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Starting with Kali Linux System First Time

                                   Getting Started With Kali Linux First Time
                                                          by Technec10


Linux systems rarely crash, and when they do, the whole system normally does not go down. The “blue screen of death” familiar to Windows users is not a worry for Linux users.
Those of you who are using BackTrack, don't worry, things are very similar. Some tools are in different places, but in general, Kali is very similar to BackTrack. One of the first things you may notice different about Kali is that it is built on Debian Linux instead of Ubuntu Linux. This won't create dramatic differences, but some subtle ones.

Offensive Security gave for converting from Ubuntu to Debian is that they are not comfortable with the direction that Ubuntu is going. BackTrack was built on Ubuntu 10.04 and that Ubuntu release was scheduled for non-support. That would have left BackTrack without an Ubuntu release they were both comfortable with and had support.


Because most computer malware are designed to attack Windows (often through Active X which is not typically found in Linux) the odds are considerably less for Linux to be infected with a Virus than Windows . The same holds true with spyware,trojans, and worms. While Linux malware does exist, they are relatively few in number and none have become widespread . While Linux is very secure by its nature, users should still employ good sense while surfing the Internet. As long as Linux users download and install only from their distro’s official software repository, then security is greatly increased. One nice security feature In Linux is that files must be made to be executable by someone with administrator privileges, which requires a password. So even if a Linux virus is loaded on a Linux computer, it will not be able to run without the user who has administrator privileges intentionally making it executable. Another important aspect of Linux security is the fact that it is open source. Because the programing code is available for anyone to view, there are many eyes constantly examining it, which makes it highly difficult for malware to be hidden within the code. Also, security patches normally come much quicker to Linux than other operating systems because so many people are contributing to it.
Viruses and worms often spread by convincing computer users to do something they shouldn't, like open attachments that carry viruses and worms. This is called social engineering, and it's all too easy on Windows systems. Just send out an e-mail with a malicious attachment and a subject line like, "Check out these adorable puppies!"--or the porn equivalent--and some proportion of users is bound to click without thinking. The result? An open door for the attached malware, with potentially disastrous consequences organizationwide.
Thanks to the fact that most Linux users don't have root access, however, it's much harder to accomplish any real damage on a Linux system by getting them to do something foolish. Before any real damage could occur, a Linux user would have to read the e-mail, save the attachment, give it executable permissions and then run the executable.
If you have an older computer laying around, you can install Linux and in essence have a new computer. In many cases Linux will run faster and you can do all of the basics such as browse the Internet, email, play games, and create and edit documents, spreadsheets, and PowerPoint presentations. It should also be mentioned that Linux runs great on newer computers as well.

The Advantages of Using Kali Over BackTrack

Some of the advantages of using Kali include the following.
  • The GNOME interface, if you are familiar with it.
  • Some new tools.
  • Updates on some old tools such as Metasploit etc.
  • Continuity into the future as Ubuntu pursues its own agenda that is inconsistent with hacking and security.
  • You can now invoke any tool from any directory as all tool directories are in the PATH variable.
  • We now have a build specifically designed for the ARM architecture.

The Disadvantages of Using a VM

There are three primary disadvantages of using a VM. First, resource usage. Running a VM requires additional RAM to run well. It will run in 4 GB, but slowly. I recommend 8 GB as a minimum.
Second, to do wireless hacking from a VM, you will need an external wireless card. In reality, to do effective wireless hacking, you will need an aircrack-ng compatible wireless card, so if you choose the VM route, make certain to buy an aircrack-ng compatible wireless card.
Third, the virtualization system adds an additional level of complexity that can prove daunting to the beginner.

Disadvantages of Linux:

There is a smaller selection of peripheral hardware drivers (for printers, scanners, and other devices) in Linux as compared to Windows, though many new Linux hardware drivers are constantly being added. Closely related to this issue is the fact that not all Linux distros work with all sets of computer hardware, so a person may need to try more than one distro to find one which works well with his/her computer. When it comes to printers, some manufacturers offer better Linux support than others; for example,HP offers excellent printer support for Linux.
