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Recognize the Signs :
The first step in helping to prevent domestic violence is to recognize the signs. as the signs are not always visible to the eye. domestic violence is not always physical. Other forms of domestic abuse include verbal abuse, emotional abuse, and economic abuse.children suffering from child abuse will not speak up on their behalf, as so many children suffer in silence .
Provide Resources :parents teaching them child care and parenting strategies, or helping with economic support and stability during times of difficulty, struggling parents and families need help and support. Violence against children can be reduced when parents and families are equipped with strategies, support, and skills when caring for children .
Support Children :Often times, children are great imitators. They frequently model what they learn and experience from the adults in their lives. Time and time again, a child’s greatest role model is often the parent. For those children who have watched a parent inflict violence and abuse upon another, these children are more apt to repeat this later on in their adult life with their spouses or partners. Drugs and alcohol abuse later in their lives is also likely path. In order to break this future cycle of abuse, we need to offer therapy, counseling, support, and services to these children.

Raise Awareness :
Knowledge is power, and awareness brings advocacy. Educate those around you about the realities of domestic abuse and violence. Whether it is where you work, where you exercise, where you practice your faith, or where your own circle of friends and family are, inform and educate them about this issue. When those around you become aware of the realities of domestic violence among children, they become advocates, as well.
Organize your Community :Faith based organizations, civic groups, schools, community leaders, and local and state legislatures can all come together to both fight child abuse. Contact these organizations and individuals and organize meetings with them, as well as with your local law enforcement. Create a child abuse prevention team in your area, and in your city.
Be an Advocate :Perhaps the biggest impact one can make in preventing child abuse and domestic violence is to become an advocate of change. By contacting lawmakers, politicians, and publicity agents through means of emails, letters, phone calls, and other means of communication, one can bring attention to the needs of these children who are various forms of abuse. Along with this, these advocates of change can also post information in editorial letters, websites, public forums, and so forth. By lobbying for change, new laws can be introduced, and information can be brought forward to the general public.
Document :If you suspect child abuse or domestic violence is happening to a child you know, document what you see. Time, date, location, and information is important, if you should have to file a report of some kind. Documentation should be done in a factual and non biased fashion, and not in an emotional manner. Just the facts, so to speak. Your documentation can go a long way in helping to protect a child.
Report :If you know of an incident of child abuse or domestic violence, it needs to be reported, and it needs to be reported by you now. If a child is in danger, he needs to be rescued from it today. Call the police, Do not try to intervene or become the bad person for childrens .

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